The Sith & the Senator Ch. 11

Chapter 11: Chances

Padmé Amidala

Time seems to stand still as my brown eyes meet his amber ones and it feels as though my heart is going to pound out of my chest.

I can’t remember the last time I felt so apprehensive, so invigorated… so alive.

I inhale sharply as he leans close, his hand slowly ascending to my cheek. His palm is warm and rough, sending electric tingles through my whole body.

“You look afraid, Amidala,” he whispers and I can feel his breath against my lips.

“You don’t scare me,” I return, voice surprisingly steady as I glare at him.

He smiles; it’s predatory and sends yet more shivers through me. “But I think I do…”

Frowning, I swat his hand away from my cheek before putting some distance between us.

“Are you not fully human?” I ask, feeling more in control now that his nearness is not overwhelming me. “Your eyes turned yellow.”

“That’s the least of your concerns right now, Senator,” he counters silkily, eyes flickering between sea blue and honey yellow.

“Oh really?” I respond coolly, folding my arms.

“Yes,” he confirms with a smirk, slowly closing the distance between us yet again, forcing me to crane my neck to up look at him. “I think you should be much more concerned about the consequences of your decision.”

“Meaning, I should be worried about your threats,” I retort, scoffing at him. “Not hardly, Skywalker.”

I shoot him another glare, moving a few steps back to put us on equal ground again. This time he allows it, his smirk softening into a grin and his flickering eyes solidifying to blue.

“You play a dangerous game, Amidala,” he says, shaking his head. “Now you’ve intrigued me.”

“Oh, really?” I ask scornfully, eyebrows raising. “Well, excuse me if I’m not flattered. According to those rumors you were talking about earlier, there are many women who intrigue you.”

“They were nothing,” he says immediately with a dismissive wave of his hand, eyes intent on me. “Their purpose was to scratch an itch, but you…” he eyes narrows on me and I can see another flicker of yellow before it’s gone. “You’re different.”

“Thank you,” I say, my voice thick with sarcasm. “I can truly rest well tonight knowing that Senator Anakin Skywalker thinks I’m different from the legion of women panting after him.”

He smiles and it is a dangerous, predatory thing. “But you are, Amidala, you are. You have fire, passion. You stand up to me although you sense I am dangerous. You are intelligent, bold…” his voice lowers, “…beautiful.”

I grow still for a moment, staring at him, conscious that my body is reacting strangely to his words. Then, I take a breath and shake my head, refusing to be unsettled by his words. “Once again, not flattered.”

“It’s not my intentions to flatter you.”

“Then what are your intentions?”

He blinks slowly, the corner of his mouth turning up. “Telling you would hardly be any fun, although I’m sure you’ll figure it out eventually.”

Scowling, I glare at him. “Thank you, Mr. Cryptic,” I say sarcastically. “But I’m not interested in figuring out your little riddle.”

He merely smiles. “You will be.”

Huffing, I turn away from him, tired of his games and conscious of the lateness of the hour. “Well, if you’re done with your puzzles—“

“Hey! Who goes there?”

I turn to the source of the interruption with a frown, squinting as I make out three figures moving quickly toward us from the opposite end of the immense garden. They are wearing matching gray and black uniforms; they must be security guards for the grounds, but something’s wrong. They look… angry, and they have tasers.

“Amidala,” Skywalker begins, eyes on the guards as well. “We really should be leaving now.”

“What do you mean?” I ask, frowning. “Just tell them that we have permission to be here and they should go away.”

I glance at him in time to see his face; it is equal parts humorous and guilty. My eyes widen as a horrible thought crosses my mind.

“This place doesn’t belong to one of your friends, does it?” I ask, groaning.

“I never said it did,” he answers defensively, with a shrug. “But I had hoped that the owners of this place wouldn’t mind… or notice us hanging out a bit.”

“Are you trying to tell me that we’re trespassing on someone’s property?” I hiss, my eyes so sharp they should have cut him in twine.

“Pretty much,” he responds cheerfully. “But seriously, we should go. Now.”

Grabbing my arm, he pulls me and we began to run.

As we rush toward the transport, I am dazed, unable to reconcile how we had gone from bickering to being chased by security! As I look back, I discover that there are now five guards chasing us!

“Skywalker,” I huff frantically through clenched teeth. “As soon as we’re away from here, I’m going to kill you!”

“Don’t get excited,” he shoots back. “We’ll be fine. They never catch me.”

I can only glance at him, aghast. How many times had he trespassed here?

But my inattention proves to be my downfall and suddenly, I am on the ground, having stepped incorrectly in my Force-damned heels.

I cry out as I go down, feeling my ankle twist painfully beneath me.

Panicking, I turn to see the guards gaining on me and as I lie there, I can see the end of my career: The guards are going to capture me and realize who I am. Before I can get out of jail, every reporter on Coruscant is going to know that Padmé Amidala, senator extraordinaire, was jailed for trespassing. My enemies will get wind of this and destroy my career, though it would take little effort. Everything I’ve worked for, everything I’ve bled and sweated for will be over and it’s all because I chose to come on this outing with this imbecile.

Obi-Wan had warned me, but I hadn’t listened. Hindsight is a truly a bitch.

Then, quite suddenly, I am being lifted as though I weigh no more than a feather.

With widening eyes, I look down, aware that I am much farther away from the ground than I’ve ever been.

That is when I realize what has happened; Anakin Skywalker is carrying me.

Before I know it, he has continued running down the stone path and I am clutching his neck tightly as he sprints impossibly fast.

As he moves, I can feel his muscles working under me, can feeling the barely restrained power in his arms as they hold me.

In that moment, I am acutely aware that I am horribly attracted to this man.

I have tried to deny it, have tried to ignore the tingles that run down my spine when he looks at me, when he brushes against me. Have tried to use logic to deny my attraction to him. But now, I can’t, not with his body pressed so tightly against mine, not when I hear a dull roar in my ears as all my senses focus on him, not now that I feel a horrifyingly sharp blade of lust pierce me.

Then, the press of his body is gone; I am no longer in his arms, but being lowered into the transport.

Seconds later, he has gotten in besides me and we blast off, gone by the time the guards reach the end of the path, yelling their outrage at our escape.

We are silent as he races the speeder wildly past the mansions toward the main airways, only slowing down when we are merging into mainstream traffic, becoming just another transport in the endless stream of them.

I wince as I move my ankle, but barely care about the pain as my mind is on what had just happened.

He only drives for a short while before pulling over into a shopping area, parking in the back where only a few speeders sit.

Then, he is out and moving to my side of the speeder, opening the door and kneeling on the ground.

Without preamble, he gently grabs my leg, maneuvering it until my foot is on his thigh.

“I didn’t give you permission to touch me,” I say resignedly, without heat, as he removes my shoe and examines my ankle.

“I’m aware,” he says with a smile, blonde head down, intent on inspecting my ankle.

“You’re a lunatic,” I continue as he gently touches several points on my ankle, trying to ignore how amazing his large, warm hands feel on my aching appendage. “You took me on an outing to a random rich person’s garden? Who does that?”

I do that, for one,” he responds, smirking as he gently rotates and massages my ankle in turns. “Why should the beauty of that garden be reserved for one person or one family alone? We probably got more pleasure from it in the short time we were there than the whole time the owner has been in that residence.”

“So, that makes it right?” I retort, wincing as he hits a sore spot.

“Damn right,” he answers firmly, a gleam in his eyes. “And you had fun, didn’t you?

I only stare him, before shaking my head, an unwilling smile touching my lips at his audacity.

“I am under no obligation to answer that question,” I answer loftily. “But I do want you to know that I don’t condone this fiasco, regardless of how exciting it was to be chased by angry guards.”

“Duly noted,” he responds with a wink. “Besides, you’ve probably never done anything so blatantly rebellious in your life, at least not for yourself. It’s always been for the benefit of someone else. This time, you did it for you.”

“Actually, I did it because of you,” I respond with mock anger, my smile lingering as I shake my head. “I know this may be difficult for you to believe, but it’s never quite crossed my mind to go on a trespassing trip. But now that I’ve seen what a wonderful time it is, I’ll be sure to keep it in mind for future adventures.”

He grins, his wonderfully rough hands still massaging my ankle. “Good, you absolutely should. Now, your ankle is not broken, only slightly sprained which is good. If you stay off of it for a couple hours while repeating these rotations with your foot in the air, you should be fine by tomorrow night.”

“I’m not going to thank you,” I say grudgingly after a moment. “You’re the reason I got hurt in the first place.”

He grins. “Sorry about that. And you don’t need to thank me: Just come to my office at the Senate tomorrow at noon.”

I immediately draw up, my nose flaring as my heart drops. And here it is; he’s finally shown his true colors. He wants something from me, but don’t they all? It really shouldn’t surprise me, so why do I feel so hurt? It angers me. I don’t even really know this man, so why is finding out that he’s just like everyone else so painful?

My jaw tightens as I stare at him.

Obviously he’s been quite clever in slipping past my defenses. Well, it’s better that I find out about his duplicity now rather than later and just in time to end this little farce. Before I can open my mouth and give him a very cutting piece of my mind, he continues speaking, rolling his eyes as he does.

“And before you get your panties in a twist, it’s not to ask you to support any legislation or pork for my sector. It’s simply to have lunch.”

I frown, my mouth remaining tight and my gaze still suspicious as I stare at him. “If you want to have lunch, then why at the Senate? Why at all?”

“Well, we both work there so, it’ll be easier to meet up,” he responds seriously, titling his head up at me. “And because that’s what friends do; they spend time together.”

I am silent for a long moment as I continue to look at him.

Is he serious? He can’t possibly be serious about this friend thing, especially seeing as I’ve pretty much told him I’m going to conduct a full-blown investigation on him. And yet… what if he means what he’s saying? What if he truly wants to be friends?

“I’ll think about,” I say finally, as he gently maneuvers my leg back into the transport. “But I’m not coming if there are any reporters around. You wouldn’t be the first person who’s tried to make it seem as though we’re more than we are to the Galaxy.”

“There won’t be any reporters, Amidala,” he answers solemnly. “It’ll just be you and me.”

I merely shoot him a sardonic look, choosing not to answer as he shuts my door and gets into the driver’s seat.

We fall silent after that, each of us lost to our own thoughts.

It takes fifteen more minutes to reach 500 Republica and I don’t comment on the fact that he knows where I live; most senators do.

Five minutes later we are in the splendid purple, gold and burgundy foyer of 500 Republica, facing one another.

Then, he takes my hand and kisses it, much like he did the very first time we met. And just like that time, a strange warmth spread through me, only this time it’s stronger, more potent than before.

“I hope to see you tomorrow, milady,” he says softly, eyes on me, “until then.”

He retains possession of my hand for a moment longer and then is gone, walking toward his residence.

As I turn to go to my own, my thoughts are filled with flickering amber and indigo eyes and a proposition of friendship.

I have much to think on tonight.


I can sense that there’s someone in my apartment as soon as I step inside the darkened foyer.

“Who’s there?” I demand immediately, reaching for the blaster that I always keep on me. “Show yourself!”

Suddenly, a light turns on farther ahead in the middle of the den. There, on a couch with both hands clenched together under his chin, sits Obi-Wan.

His posture is stiff as a board and although his face is expressionless, I can tell that he’s upset.

As soon as I see him, my mouth drops open and I put down my blaster, frantically digging in my purse for my forgotten comlink.

I groan when I examine it; it reads 11 missed beeps.

“Obi-Wan! I’m so sorry!” I say immediately, regret pouring from my voice. “I completely forgot all about this!”

He blinks slowly at me, mouth tight.

“Do you realize I was about to alert the Jedi that you were missing?” he asks quietly. “I thought you were seriously injured because you said you would answer your com if I called.”

Oh, Force. I feel like complete bantha poodoo.

Setting my things down, I move to sit next to him on the purple, plush couch, taking his hand into mine.

“Obi-Wan, I am, by far, the worst friend alive,” I begin, my eyes begging for forgiveness. “I can make this up to you. Let me take you to dinner tomorrow.”

His face is still, but he nods sharply. “Fine,” he says tersely, standing up. “I’m glad you’re okay.”

I frown as he moves to leave, astounded at his behavior. He must have really been afraid for me for he’s never treated me in such a manner. Obi-Wan is one of the only people in my life that I trust completely; a true friend. I can’t let him leave like this.

“Wait,” I say, grabbing his arm. “Obi-Wan. I truly am sorry.”

I move to stand in front of him, touching each of his arms gently. “It wasn’t my intention to worry you. I just got caught up is all. I know what I said and I know I didn’t keep my promise, but I will try my very best never to do this again.”

Finally, after a long moment, his face softens and he nods. “Padmé, please don’t ever do that again. I thought… I thought something was truly wrong.”

I shake my head, a gentle smile coming on my lips as I hug him, grateful to have such an amazing friend. “I’m sorry,” I repeat, pulling away from him. “I’ll be more conscious of my com from now on, okay?”

At his nod, I give him a brilliant smile.

“Now,” I say slyly, pulling him toward the kitchen, “…how about some pie?”


It is near midnight when I finally settle into my bed.

After seeing Obi-Wan off and preparing myself for the night, I am exhausted, yet I cannot get Skywalker’s request out of my head.

Skywalker is a danger to me, this became abundantly clear to me tonight. After what he had done, I should have lambasted him, should have completely and totally cut off all contact with him.

But I hadn’t.

I’d followed him to an unknown destination, laughed at the fact that he could have ended my political career, even allowed him to touch me. Now that I recall the crazy evening, I’m not quite sure what I had been thinking.

But there is something about him that pulls me; something magnetic and elemental and raw. I am drawn to him.

But it needs to stop and now. I can’t let this Skywalker ruin everything that I have worked for.

A beeping from my holopad interrupts my thoughts, signaling an incoming holo-call. I smile when I realize who it is; my mother. The next moment, concern washes through me. She never calls this late.

“Mom,” I say a frown marring my face when her face appeared on the screen. “How are you? Is everything alright?”

“I’m fine, honey,” she answers, returning my frown. “I know I’m calling late but I’ve been trying to contact you for a week now. I’ve only ever been met with a message service or your secretary, so I decided to call when I knew you would be home,” she gives me a meaningful look and I flush as I feel heat creep up my neck.

“I’m sorry, Mom,” I answer, ashamed. “I’ve been really busy but that’s not an excuse.”

Her face softens as she shakes her head. “I know you’re busy, honey. But your father, your sister and I would like to know if you’re alive every once in a while, just for our peace of mind.”

I nod, unable to find anything wrong with the statement. Maybe, instead of committing crimes with Skywalker, I should have been checking up on my family.

“Padmé,” my mother says, brows furrowing, obviously noticing my distraction, “what’s wrong?”

“What makes you think anything is wrong?” I answer lightly, pulling my bedsheets over my legs.

She gives me the look. “I’m not one of your political peers, Padmé, I’m your mother; I know you and I know when something’s wrong. You shouldn’t keep it bottled up, honey. I’m here to talk if you want to.”

I bite my lip, thinking for a moment before I sigh. “The Senate recently reinstated one of the Outer Rim sectors into the Republic, thus giving us a new senator. His name is Anakin Skywalker.”

I see her immediately perk up at the mention of a man. I know what she’s thinking so I immediately move to counter those thoughts. “And no, mother,” I continue in exasperation. “I’m not in love with him.”

“Then why tell me about him?” she asks curiously.

“Because he’s infuriating, that’s why!” I exclaim suddenly, unable to bottle it in anymore. “He’s the most insufferable, arrogant jerk I’ve ran into in a long while and that’s saying something.”

“Is he a bad man?” Mom inquires with a frown.

“No,” I answer, biting my lip. “At least, not that I can see so far.”

One of her eyebrows rise. “Well, do you disagree with his political views?”

“Yes and no,” I answer grimly. “His analysis of the political system is correct but I don’t agree with his methods for change.”

“Do you dislike him, then?” she asks.

“Yes!” I say, nodding. Then I shake my head. “No! I don’t know. He wants to be my friend,” I say the part with distaste, my face scrunching at the word.

“Ah, I see,” my mother says with a nod, a smile in her voice and on her face.

“What?” I respond, giving her a suspicious look. “What do you see?”

She looks at me thoughtfully for a moment before speaking. “Padmé, ever since Naboo was invaded your father and I have seen a change in you, one that has disturbed us to this day. But we never quite knew what to do about it, so we did nothing. All we could do was pray that you would heal, that you would put it all behind you.”

“But I did, Mom,” I say, titling my head at her. “I have.”

“No, Padmé,” she responds sadly, shaking her head. “You didn’t and you haven’t. We’ve watched you push the world away while locking yourself behind your walls. You’ve even pushed your family away, burying yourself in work and your Karma-cide activities.”  Mother shoots me a disapproving look as she talks about those activities, for like Obi-Wan, she doesn’t approve of something that could get me killed.

“Mom,” I begin to protest, “that’s not true.”

“It is, Padmé,” she says firmly. “But now…” she smiles and her eyes shines as she does, “…your eyes are alight with fire and you are smiling! I see passion in you again and I think this Anakin Skywalker has done it.”

I open my mouth and close it again, dismay running through me. “The only passion you see, Mom,” I say, nosing flaring, “is my desire to hurt him!”

“Be that as it may,” she responds, amused, “you are more alive than I’ve seen you in a long time. Whatever he did is making you feel alive and I think it scares you.”

I blink at her, then turn my face away. Scare wouldn’t be the right word, perhaps terrify would be more appropriate.

“What should I do, Mom?” I ask solemnly after a long moment, turning back to her. “I don’t want to be hurt anymore. I can’t be hurt anymore.”

“I know, my heart,” my mom answers softly. “But in order to get the prize you must take risks. If this young senator wishes for you two to be friends, then give him a chance.”

“But what if he’s a liar?” I ask. “What if he’s just trying to use me?”

“That’s a possibility,” she admits with a nod. “But that’s why you take it slow, get to know him. When you spend a lot of time with a person, you begin to see their faults and those things which they were able to hide from you before will be revealed. It will be the same with this man for a person cannot hide the truth of themselves forever.”

I say nothing for a moment, contemplating her words. Was I brave enough to give Skywalker a chance?

“Would it be okay if I gave him a hard time?” I ask, drawing my knees to my chest.

“Absolutely,” Mom says cheerfully, winking at me. “You should give him a hard time, he is, after all, a politician. But make sure you extend an olive branch of some kind and keep an open mind.”

I rub my chin in thought before nodding. “Thank you, Mom. I think I needed this talk.”

She smiles. “Anytime, my dear,” she responds, her eyes filled with love, warming my heart. “But you look exhausted. Sleep, my love and we will speak again soon.”

After blowing her a kiss and sending messages for my father and sister, I close communication with my mom and snuggle into my bed.

And as I cut off my light and my eyes begin to close, one thought floats through my mind.

I’m going to that lunch tomorrow.

~Table of Contents~

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